Chandrababu Naidu APSRTCChandrababu Naidu


Awards of A.P.S.R.T.C.

APSRTC has won 4 prestigious ASRTU National Excellence Awards, Hon'ble VC & MD received the awards.
APSRTC bagged the first prize in Skoch Awards 2024 for UTS Project. The presentation ceremony took place at NewDelhi today.Y.Srinivas Rao, DyCE IT received the award on behalf of VC&MD.
APSRTC Skoch Award 2024
APSRTC bags Skoch Award for cashless tickets 2024
APSRTC won 5 ASRTU national Excellence awards. Hon'ble VC & MD received these 5 awards from MORTH Secretary Sri Anurag Jain
2024 award
Technology Sabha 2023 & 2024 award for APSRTC
Technology Sabha 2021& 2022 award for APSRTC
Technology Sabha 2020& 2021 award for APSRTC
As a part of Smart City Empowering India Awards - 2019, the "Vehicle Tracking and Passenger Information System" project has been selected and competed in the "Smart Mobility Project" category. "Vehicle Tracking and Passenger Information System" project won the award in the "Best Smart Mobility Project" category under two stages of competition. APSRTC Officers Sri V.Sudhakar, CE(IT) and Sri Y.Srinivasa Rao, Dy.CE(IT) received the award from Chief Guest Sri Harideep Singh Puri, Hon'ble MoS (I/C), Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Gol.
ASRTU conducted most prestigious “ASRTU EXCELLENCE AWRDS “event. Total 64 Road Transport Corporations were participated in this evet. APSRTC bagged 1st prize along with 10 lakhs cash in “IT IN DIGITALIZATION “wing. On behalf of APSRTC, officer’s Sri. A. Koteswara Rao ED(A), V. Sudhakar CE(IT) and Y. Srinivasa Rao Dy.CE(IT) received this award on 31-01-2020 on the hands of central Minister for Road Transport and Highways Sri. Vijay Kumar Singh.
APSRTC bagged two National awards from ASRTU for effective operation of buses.
telugu award
APSRTC enters the Guinness Book of World Records on 31-10-99.
Road Safety Award
The Chartered Institute of Transport with its Head Quarters in Great Britain adjudged APSRTC as the safest R.T.C and awarded ' Road Safety Award' for 1996-97.
APSRTC has received the Petroleum Conservation Research Association(PCRA) awards for highest fuel efficiency for 1995-1996, 1996-97, 1997-1998 and 1998-99. Also APSRTC, is the runner up for highest KMPL for the year 1999-2000.
APSRTC has received the May Day Award for the Best Management with outstanding contribution towards Harmonious Industrial Relations and Labour welfare for the years 1997, 1998 and 1999.

Sri Ashok Joshi, IAS, Secretary (Road Transport and High Ways, Govt. of India) and president, ASRTU presented the award for Fuel efficiency, Highest K.M.P.L. (city and Hill Service-Visakhapatnam) for the year 2002, on 1st July, 2003 at New Delhi to Sri R.P.Singh, IPS, the then Vice Chairman & Managing Director, APSRTC.

Sri Mishra, Director (MoRT), Sri P.S.Srimali, Director (Technical) of A.S.R.T.U., New Delhi and Sri M.V.Nagavender Rao, Executive Director (Engg.), APSRTC are also seen in the picture.

Honorable Minister Mr. Saghir Mohammed, presenting award to Mr.R.P.Singh, the then VC&MD.
rp singh
Mr. R.P.Singh IPS, the then Vice Chairman & Managing Director with the PCRA trophy.
PCRA Award for fuel Performance being received by Mr.R.P.Singh IPS, the then Vice Chairman & Managing Director.
Gallery of Awards received by APSRTC.
APSRTC has been receiving the award for fuel conservation from Petroleum Conservation Research Association of Ministry of Petroleum And Natural Gas, Government of India.
APSRTC received the following awards from National Productivity Council, New Delhi for the Best Performance:
shield for Fuel Efficiency  for the year 1997-98.
"Certificate of Merit Award" for the year 1990-91".  
"Second Best Productivity Performance Award" for the year 1996-1997.
Hyderabad city region has received fuel efficiency trophy for the achievement of maximum improvement in KMPL for city service for the year 1998-99.
"Certificate of Merit Award" for the year 1995-96 in the category of Road Transport (Passenger) City Category.

The National Productivity Council Award presented for Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation on Nov 26, 1997 at New Delhi for the second best performance by Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam city services.
"Certificate of Merit Award" for the year 1995-96 in the category of Road Transport (Passenger) City Category.
National Productivity Council Award presented for Andhra Pradesh Road Transport Corporation on Nov 26, 1997 at New Delhi for the second best performance by Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam city services.
Visakhapatnam City region of APSRTC has received fuel effciency award for highest KMPL for city category for the years 1998-99 & 1999-00 and also maximum improvement in KMPL in city category for the year 1999-00.
"Certificate of Merit Award" for the year 1996-97 in the category of Road Transport (Passenger) Hill Category.
APSRTC has received ASRTU Trophy for the year. 1998-99, 1999-00 for the best performance as detailed below.
ASRTU adjudged Visakhapatnam City services of APSRTC as best in Fuel Efficiency amongst all city services of Transport Undertakings in India for the year 1997-98 and given award.
Shield for Fuel Efficiency was presented in the category of City Services to APSRTC on 7th April '99 at New Delhi.
APSRTC has received award from Association of State Road Transport Undertakings (ASRTU) Trophy for operating city buses with best fuel efficiency for every year from 1986-87 to 1996-97.
APSRTC received Road Safety Award from the Transport Development Council, New Delhi for the year 1987-88.
H.N Thadani Award:
APSRTC has received H.N. Thadani Award from Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering for the year 92-93 for introducing innovative systems in Industrial Engineering Field.
Rolling Trophy:
APSRTC has received the Rolling Trophy from the Federation of A.P Chambers Of Commerce and Industries for the year1983-84 for Integral Development.

RTC HOUSE, 1st Floor NTR administration Block, Pandit Nehru Bus Station in Vijayawada-520013,.The bus station is owned by Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation.
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